Sunday, April 24, 2011

3/25/2011 - Shabbat at Beit Daniel / Dinner at the Carlton

We left Caesaria and returned to the hotel to prepare for Shabbat at Beit Daniel, a progressive (reform) temple in Tel Aviv.  The service was familiar at times and unfamiliar at others, but totally in Hebrew.  Rabbi Regev, the head of the RAC in Israel, provided an emotion filled sermon.  We weren't sure what he was saying, but he was definitely passionate about the subject of his sermon.

On the way back to the hotel we drove past Gan haBanim, a memorial to those who died defending Israel.  The park had several basalt pillars that were broken off at the top to signify the lives being broken off.

We returned to the hotel for a group Shabbat dinner that included the usual salads, an array of main dishes (veal with mushroom or pepper sauce, goose with raisin sauce, meatballs, etc.) and a wider array of desserts - mini chocolate lava cakes, date-nut bars and many with "whippy" stuff.

Following dinner I walked on the promenade with Rabbis Rick and Susan.  Many of the shops were closed for Shabbat, but a few were still open.  We walked to the bridge that was just short of the Gan haBanim and then turned around and came back to the hotel.  When we returned to the hotel, we took the steps up to our rooms on the 9th and 11th floors.

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