Saturday, April 23, 2011

3/20/2011 - Canaan Gallery

We went to the rooftop of a set of shops in the Shuk that allowed us to hear Jeff talk about Isaac Luria and the birth of the Kabbalah in the mountains near Tsfat.  The courtyard of these shops held a large fig tree that we could imagine would be beautiful when it leafed out and started to bear fruit.

On the roof Jeff told us many stories and included some of his "Jeffisms" as well.  He is an accomplished guide and very engaging.  One of the stories he old was of the writing of the Zohar by Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai (Rashby).  After the fall of Jerusalem, Rashbi lived with his son, Elazar for 12 years plus one in a cave on Mt. Meiron and they covered themselves with dirt to remain modest and wore their good clothes on Shabbat.  When they came out Rashby wrote the Zohar, his commentary on the Torah.  His history is celebrated on Lag B'Omer.

Jeff left us at the far end of the old city at the Canaan Gallery where we marveled at the beautiful woven tallitot made by Orna.  Allan and I each ordered a new tallit and Gary got a kippah that will fit on his head without falling off.  The corners of our tallitot will have our names and the names of our children on them and we hope to receive them before Pesach.

We returned back to Yaakov's gallery and chose a lovely paining of an olive tree in front of Mt. Meiron.  Yaakov will send us a pomegranate painting as well.  The painting made us happy and we made Yaakov happy as he mourns his dear friend who painted our treasure - Rolly Schaffer.

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