Saturday, April 23, 2011

3/19/2011 - Tsfat Shabbat Afternoon

While sitting on the patio after lunch a large flock of cranes flew over the Inn.  They were attempting to find thermals that would carry them higher to get above the mountains.  When attempting to find the thermals, they circled in a swirling pattern until they reached the necessary height and then flew on.  There must have been more than 200 cranes in the flock.  At was an awesome sight and felt as though a plane was going overhead as they blocked the light from above.

We then walked again through Tsfat's old city to the Citadel (Metzudah) built originally by the Crusaders.  It was a key location in defending Tsfat in the 1948 war.  The view from the top to Mt.  Meiron on one side and the new city of Tsfat on the other was breathtaking.  We then returned to the Inn for a Shabbat schluf (rest).


We then walked through Tsfat to the site of the original police building and the long stone steps that divided the Arab and Jewish sides of Tsfat prior to the 1948 War of Independence.

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