Saturday, April 23, 2011

3/21/2011 - Shushan Purim in Tsfat

Today is our last day in Tsfat.  We got up, ate another wonderful breakfast prepared by Benay of eggs, fish, fruit, cheese and the creamiest cottage cheese ever.  After breakfast we packed up the car and took our last walk through Tsfat.  They were having a Purim Carnival on Jerusalem Street complete with games, rides, food and face painting booths.  Suzan and I had our faces painted.

We also tasted the crepe with Nutella that was being made in one of the food booths.  The crepe was thick and the size of a pizza, but was sweet and quite delicious.  While we were eating our crepe, we ran into some of the Livnot kids reveling in the crowds.

We then ventured down the stairway and back to the Old City to the Shuk.  We purchased another beautiful piece of art from Morris Dohan.  A piece representing his fantasy to have time just for him with no other demands.

We found the artist that did the art on the cover of Sarah Schenkein's bat mitzvah program, but decided not to purchase the piece - it represented a tree with strong roots and full foliage.  We took the card of the artist and may contact her for the piece later.

 We returned to visit Orna at Canaan Gallery to see her weaving looms in action.  She has five looms of varying sizes and many tallitot in action at any one time.  It takes "a few days" to make each tallit.  Most of the looms use an automated shuttle.

We were able to look into the Joseph Caro Shul - small with mostly blue decor.  Lovely, but no women's section.

Allan with Haftarah Scroll

We ventured back to the Inn and made our farewells with Benay and Jeff.  We hope to see them again at some point.  What wonderful hosts!

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